Who Is Mercedes Lackey?

Each universe that Misty has written a book or story in is listed below. I have tried to list all books in each universe in chronological order. 
If you notice I have made a mistake or have missed one, please send me an email to the address at the bottom of the page to let me know. Thanks!
Book names in bold were written wholly, in part or edited by Mercedes Lackey.

Mercedes Lackey's Books - Listed By Universe

Five Hundred Kingdoms Universe

A middle ages type world where a magical force called Tradition works behind the scenes to make life follow classic fairy tale stories. Fairy Godmothers, Champions and Wizards have the job of making sure that the stories follow the positive fairy tales rather than the dark ones... and keep the chaos and loss of life to a minimum. However, You can't mess with Tradition without Tradition messing with you back.

Bard's Tale Universe

Bardic Voices Universe  

Brainship Universe

A Futuristic Universe where technology has overcome many of the problems facing the world today. Brainships are people who have spaceship bodies, their partners are called Brawns; Together the Brainship and Brawn fulfil the missions they are assigned. It is Also the same universe as The Crystal Singer stories. 


A Marion Zimmer Bradley Universe in which Darkover, a lost Terran colony, develops magic and technology that the their forbearers have never seen. 

Dragon Joust Universe

In a world reminiscent of Ancient Egypt, a young slave/serf boy dreams of riding the dragons he serves. 

Elemental Magic Universe

The series starts around 1906 in a world indistinguishable to our own, yet magic is a real force that can be used to make obvious changes in the world. Elemental Masters control the powers of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth in this parallel world. 

Elves of the Road Universe

The Bedlam Bards series, the SERRAted Edge series, and the Diana Tregard books are all set in the same universe. Magic, elves and other dimensional realms are real, yet hidden from view of the common man in this universe indistinguishable from our day to day world. 

Fairy Tales Universe

Retellings of classic fairy tales in a beautifully executed world. 

Halfblood Chronicles Universe

In a world where humans are slaves and elves rule, half-blooded children are forbidden. One human woman becomes pregnant and flees to the desert before she can be killed for her crime. A dragon finds her as she is giving birth and dies. Instead of leaving the child to die with her mother, the dragon adopts her; However, not all the dragons are as friendly. 

Heirs of Alexandria Universe

Obsidian Mountain Universe

Velgarth Universe - Heralds of Valdemar

Various groups both warlike and friendly live their lives in a world where catastrophe has changed the very land itself. People have no real memory of the ancient history that echoes down through the years. 

Wing Commander Universe

    • Freedom Flight
    • End Run
    • Fleet Action
    • Heart of the Tiger
    • Pilgrim Stars
    • False Colors

Xanth Universe

A Piers Anthony Universe of Comedy and Puns. A world where the land is similar to Florida, but that is the only thing familiar.
  • If I Pay Thee Not In Gold

Other Works - Novels and Stories